George Karabatsos
I develop, apply, publish, and teach the foundations useful for effective statistical modeling. My
research interests include nonparametric and parametric models and
related computational methods for regression and prediction analysis;
multivariate analysis; hierarchical, mixture, and multi-level modeling;
cluster analysis; density estimation; variable selection; causal
inference; meta-analysis; model selection and testing; order-restricted
statistical inference; network data analysis, and psychometric item
response analysis.
Software Bayesian Regression: Nonparametric and Parametric Models
ED/EPSY 503: Essentials of Quantitative Inquiry
EPSY 543: Advanced Analysis of Variance
EPSY 546: Educational Measurement
EPSY 547: Multiple Regression
EPSY 551: Item Response Theory / Rasch Measurement
EPSY 583: Multivariate Statistics
EPSY 584: Hierarchical Linear Models
EPSY 585: Nonparametric Modeling
EPSY 586: Theory of Statistics
STAT 511: Advanced Statistical Theory
EPSY and STAT Dissertation research courses